[ale] OT: Exchange Hosting

Emil P. Man mailinglists at synban.com
Mon Jan 17 14:52:06 EST 2005


The last I have looked at this there isn't. It seems that the protocol 
is so closed source its not even funny, and there are a couple of 
project out there, where you can host everything on Linux and clone an 
Exchange server, however there are licensing costs involved (per user 
basis) and the protocols they use are also closed source.

Secondly, the BOSS wants everything hosted off - site because we often 
have power outages and we are moving to a new locating. I am slowly 
trying to move more and more things toward linux, and the company is 
slowly moving against me; they want everything pretty much off - site 
(web site, e-mail, etc). I am planing however to put in a VPN server in 
the next few weeks, and that will of course be hosted on the Penguin.


Dow Hurst wrote:

> I thought this was solved by a couple of different projects.  Isn't 
> there a complete open source replacement for MSExchange out there?
> Dow
> Robert L. Harris wrote:
>> I'm in a similar situation.  The CEO of our company requires the
>> exchange, calendar integration and of course nothing else has this
>> capability.  We use "outerbounds.com" as an ASP.  Generally they work
>> well though they're expanding and have ocasional growth pains.
>> Thus spake Emil P. Man (mailinglists at synban.com):
>>> Hello all,
>>> I know this is a little off topic, and /hiss M$ related, however, I 
>>> need a good recomendation on a local company here in Atlanta, that 
>>> will host M$ exchange for us.
>>> Anybody have any recomendations?
>>> I know, I can't go Linux just yet.... Boss REQUIRES M$ Exchange, 
>>> offsite....
>>> Emil
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