[ale] OT: Web Dev Question

Matthew Brown matthew.brown at cordata.com
Wed Feb 23 07:57:01 EST 2005

Sorry if I've completely missed this thread, but I am not clear on your 
question.  Are you trying to manipulate Mozilla via API, or are you 
simply trying to find your dev site in the Mozilla cookie list?

Best Regards,

Matthew Brown
CorData, Inc. -- Linux solutions for business
o: 770-795-0089

On Feb 23, 2005, at 1:55 AM, Michael Trausch wrote:

> I'm working with a site, and I know that Mozilla has a neat little
> option to show the Privacy Policies of a website, that gets
> displayed with the cookie information for sites that set cookies.  I
> want to try to get it to point to a privacy policy for a site I'm
> working on, but no matter *what* I search for on Google, I can't
> seem to find the information/specs for how to tell Mozilla about
> that stuff.
> Does anyone know where I can find that information, or does anyone
> know about that information at all?
> Just curious... thanks!

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