[ale] [OT] ALE member to be featured in a new book

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Thu Feb 17 23:07:14 EST 2005

On Thursday 17 February 2005 07:31 pm, Christopher Bergeron wrote:
> snips
> Myself, Dashwerks and the DashPC (Dashboard 
> Linux Project) are going to be featured in a great new book by Wiley -
> "Geek My Ride".

The coyote? Wiley Coyote is a geek.... Cool! ;-)

> P.S.
> I hope this isn't perceived as SPAM because that wasn't the intention of
> this email - it's intended as an annoucement.

Not at all. Congrats, and you should submit it to slashdot when it gets 
closer to publication.

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