[ale] SuSE update

Tim Watts timtw at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 14 00:20:24 EST 2005


Just for the utter hell of it I'm trying to update my old SuSE 7.2 system to 
9.2. It's a crusty old 200 MHz Gateway. The problem I'm having is that it 
gets as far as loading Yast but the screen is unreadable. The sidebar text is 
black on black so there's no readable text anywhere on the panel. Can anyone 
give me some pointers as to what I can do about this -- are there some X 
params I can feed it at some point?

(I realize this is pretty much a fool's errand. I'm just trying to build up 
the courage to install SuSE 10 on my upcoming laptop purchase. I may end up  
turning it over to the Emperor guys but I figure I should give it a try 
myself first.) 

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