[ale] OT: target= with css?

Jay Loden jloden at toughguy.net
Tue Apr 26 16:36:09 EDT 2005

Can we get a link to your site to take a look at what you're trying to do? 

Joh6nn's reply has some good explanations and ideas, and I personally 
recommend either:
a) use server side (PHP, etc) and load the content dynamically into the 
content div.  This is what I do.  However, for a simple site, this is 
probably overkill, or just too much hassle to set up.

b) just load a new page for each...most likely there's very little reason not 
to - loading a navigation bar over each time you load the page isn't a huge 
bandwidth concern or anything, especially if you're not using images or flash 
(I hope you're not)


On Tuesday 26 April 2005 07:59 pm, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> Ok,
>   I'm mucking with my website yet again.  In frames I could do a
> "target=_top" to make the link load into the main window.  Other tags
> would let me load into new frames.
> I currently have a Navigation index which has this:
> <A href="fprof.html" onMouseOver="window.status='Nomad the Professional';
> return true" >Nomad the System Engineer</a><BR>
> What can I add to the link make it load into the division "content2"
> instead of opening a new window?  If you have any good starter CSS pages
> please feel free to bounce them to me.
> Robert
> :wq!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
>                                          @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
>       These are MY OPINIONS             With Dreams To Be A King,
>        ALONE.  I speak for              First One Should Be A Man
>        no-one else.                       - Manowar

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