[ale] Monitors

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Apr 22 09:57:34 EDT 2005

zeb morgan wrote:
> All....
> I have three 19" CRT display units that are defective.  One is so 
> completely dead that I think it may be a simple fix.  Something like a 
> bad switch or bad power supply.  One has (I think) a bad CRT.  One has a 
> defective horizontal output (single white line down the middle of the 
> screen).  I had planned to try to combine them into one or two working 
> displays.  But, I have so many other projects going that I don't think I 
> am going to get a round tuit.  They are so heavy that I am not  sure 
> that I can get up the stairs with them.  I  don't want to take the 
> chance.  Anyone who is willing to some get them can have them for their 
> trouble in removing them.
> If they are not gone in a few weeks, they are going to the "trash 
> bin.".   E-mail me off list if you're interested.  Or on...

Cobb County is having a recycle day in May at Jim Miller Park.  You can 
drop such items off there for free.

It is illegal to drop these into your 'standard' garbage.

Until later, Geoffrey

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