[ale] What's so special about gmail invites?

George Carless kafka at antichri.st
Fri Sep 3 15:56:23 EDT 2004

> This is the point on which you are wrong:
> "GMail provide a service, for free, and detail up-front what
> their intentions are with regards to scanning e-mail etc"
> GMail has not bothered to warn those people that send email to GMail users
> that their inbound email is subject to analysis, especially since this
> analysis is for advertising.  Nor are the recipients of email from GMail
> users notified of this fact.  You see, the GMail user has taken the liberty
> of agreeing to a privacy policy for both themselves and their recipients
> and sendees.  Last time I checked, an individual was only allowed to make
> agreements for themselves.


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