[ale] problems with Cendyne 32x10x40 USB CD-RW with SUSE, 9.2 and FC3

Van Loggins vloggins at turbocorp.com
Thu Nov 18 07:39:08 EST 2004

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 16:15:51 -0500
From: Jay Loden <jloden at toughguy.net>
Subject: Re: [ale] problems with Cendyne 32x10x40 USB CD-RW with SUSE
	9.2 and	FC3
To: Van Loggins <vanloggins at gmail.com>, Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
	<ale at ale.org>
Message-ID: <200411171615.51968.jloden at toughguy.net>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

Just curious if you had tried running k3bsetup to see if it can detect the 
drives, or manually adjusting the configuration of k3b to tell it the 
location of the drive.  

Finally, did you make sure that scsi emulation was on for the drive?  I'm not 
100% sure if you still have to emulate a scsi drive for a burner if you're 
using the 2.6 kernel, but I know that you used to have to enable scsi 
emulation for each drive in the kernel boot options. 

Hi Jay

Thanks for the response.

I don't think that ide-scsi emulation works with a usb device as the system 
emulates it as a scsi device by default. I might be wrong though, will gladly admit it if I am :)

k3bsetup doesn't come with the version of k3b that comes with FC3 or SUSE 9.2 (I couldn't find it anyway if it's there) but I did try to add it into the devices in the configuration section of the preferences. I tried manually adding it as /dev/scd0 and as /dev/cdrecorder (which linked to /dev/scd0) and neither of these worked, it gave me an error about the device not being found, and when I checked in /dev both entries were there. dmesg confirmed that the usb device is being emulated as /dev/scd0

The device shows up in the list of devices in konqueror and when I stick a data cd in this drive it automounts and I can look at the info on the disk with no problems.

It's a really weird problem.

At least it works with Novell Linux Desktop which seems to be based on SUSE 9.1

Van Loggins        vloggins at turbocorp.com
Assistant System Administrator - ESC Dept
Linux User #316727
Turbo Logistics

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