[ale] CENTRAL MEETING for Thursday, 2004.11.11

aaron aaron at pd.org
Thu Nov 11 11:34:47 EST 2004

Sorry for the short notice, but here's the ALE on tap
for tonight's Central Meeting:

General topics surrounding JAVA and its use in the worlds
of Linux and Open Source will be the focus of discussion
at the November ALE Central Meeting, Thursday, 11/11 at
7:30pm ( http://www.ale.org/Central/directions.shtml ).

First, JAVA (on Linux) programmer Bjorn Roche will be working
to dispel some of the confusion about what JAVA really is and
how its cross platform components function, including some
points on how JAVA is evolving with its 1.5 release.

As a follow up, JAVA (on Linux) programmer Michael Hirsch will
offer brief a look at some of the JAVA based Open Source projects
that are having a significant, positive impact on Linux, such as

Also, for this month's TIP JAR (no topical JAVA pun intended),
Paul Boren will show us how to exterminate the pesky mice in
our Linux GUI environment with a demonstration of RAT POISON,
a minimalist user interface whose neural path toxicity is only
rivaled by EMACS.

Hope to see you there!

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