[ale] ISOlinux issues

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed May 19 20:53:14 EDT 2004

Christopher Fowler wrote:
> I downloaded all of FC2 and created one DVD installation.  I then
> proceeded to follow the instructions on
> http://syslinux.zytor.com/iso.php to create an bootable DVD.  The DVD
> boots fine on my other machines but will not boot on my Shuttle XP.  If
> I burn FC2 disk 1 it boots off that CD fine.  Do I need to tweak the way
> I'm making the bootable ISO image?

It might just be the quality of the burn.  Try different DVD media 
and/or burning at a lower speed.

Until later, Geoffrey                     Registered Linux User #108567
Building secure systems in spite of Microsoft

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