OT: Google the new RTFM (Was: Re: [ale] Internet Access aroundAtlanta)

Preston Boyington PBoyington at polyengineering.com
Fri Jul 23 12:59:24 EDT 2004

Pete Hardie wrote:
> Sounds like it's time to write a python/perl app that will take a
> query string, dump it to Google, and email the result file to you,
> HTML or ASCII as desired.... 
> Or perhaps a proxy website that will 'wrap' Google in a specified
> 'skin' to look like work....

why not just use google by email?

place "google at capeclear.com" (no quotes) as the recipiant.

in the subject area place the search term you want like:

	apt repositories

or if you want to search ale.org do:

	ale.org: apt

don't place anything in the body.

then you will get results emailed back to you.

this is how the results from just "apt repositories" look:

Estimated Total Results Number = 8950

  URL  = "http://www.apt-get.org/"
  Title = "apt-get.org: Unofficial APT repositories"
  Snippet = "Unofficial APT repositories. apt-get.org is intended as a place for people to share useful APT (Advanced Package Tool) sources for the Debian operating system. ...  "

  URL  = "http://www.apt-get.org/search.php"
  Title = "apt-get.org: Unofficial APT repositories - package search"
  Snippet = "Unofficial APT repositories - package search. Enter a package name or regular expression: i386. ...  "

  URL  = "http://freshrpms.net/apt/repositories.html"
  Title = "[freshrpms.net] - Apt repositories"
  Snippet = "A few known public apt repositories for entire Red Hat Linux releases (and eventually add-on packages) : http://apt.freshrpms.net ...  "



This file was generated by emailing google at capeclear.com with query text as the email 'Subject'
See: http://www.capeclear.com/google/

since i don't have web access, i live on email...

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