[ale]OT It begins...

ChangingLINKS.com groups at ChangingLINKS.com
Sun Feb 1 20:52:15 EST 2004

On Sunday 01 February 2004 19:22, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-02-01 at 19:30, ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> > Ok. So . . . .. 
> > It seems as though we recently resolved that obfuscating our 
> > email addresses in the archives is easy to impliment and desired
> > amoung members as a way to combat email and *help* prevent new 
> > and current members from being spam.
> LOL!  
> Ok, if you really want to do this... join the mailman list and volunteer
> to help code it. (please do)  Mailman really needs another advocate for
> privacy. ;)
> For the record, I am NOT (nor have I ever suspected) receiving spam from
> being associated with ALE.  Yes I receive spam, but I deal with it. 
> -Jim P.

I think you are having a tough time acknowledging the facts:
1. We already seem to have the code on a mirror at "ike.room17.com/pipermail"
2. As I demonstrated, the archives of ale.org are ultra easy to harvest/slog.

<semi rant>
We all understand *your* general position regarding this thread. However, 
please allow others to come to a solution with voicing your anti-attitude 
*every* time. Unless you are a spammer, you have nothing to lose by the 
change. hmmmm

Moreover, when we get this feature added, it will not hurt your ALE privileges 
and/or benefits in any way, and *maybe* it will reduce the amount of spam you 
have to "deal with." But, if you can think beyond yourself, you will realize 
that the solution will reduce the amount of processing power other members 
have to employ to filter spam. I hope you don't interpret this post as a 
solicitation for your further "clarification."
</semi rant>

Moving on. . . .
Perhaps the admins can let me know if we can simply use the code on 
ike.room17.com (which is where I thought ale was hosted anyway).

Can it be implemented for the ale archive as well?
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown

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