[ale] UPS with automatic startup after recharge

Stephan Uphoff ups at tree.com
Wed Dec 8 19:30:43 EST 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-03 at 18:16, James P. Kinney III wrote:
> Recently, MicroCenter has had a good supply of Belkin UPS's. They
> support Linux with software included! They talk through a serial port.
> You can configure them to gracefully shutdown the box before the battery
> dies and then (I think) power itself off for a while until the battery
> is charged back up a bit by setting a minimum battery power setting.
> Some systems support a BIOS setting that will restart the machine on
> power restore after power fail. That may require the shutdown to only go
> to single user mode so the system _will_ actually die from power loss so
> the BIOS function can happen.

Thanks for the tip.
.. and they also support FreeBSD and seem to have a good support site.

FYI: CompUSA currently runs a special for a 1200VA Belkin. 
     (70$ after rebates)


> Otherwise, break out a solder iron and the "Horowitz and Hill 'The Art
> of Electronics'" (which any self-respecting geek should own just because
> they can:)
> On Fri, 2004-12-03 at 17:52, Stephan Uphoff wrote:
> > Can anyone recommend an inexpensive UPS that can start up a server once
> > power is restored AND it had some time to recharge.
> > 
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