[ale] Old Hardware donations

webmaster mainwizard at vei.net
Sat Dec 4 19:15:09 EST 2004

I know someone on the list has posted this before, but I can't find it. 
I have a lot of old hardware that I want to donate to charity. I know 
there is a group that accepts old hardware and makes complete systems 
for churches, schools, etc... I am cleaning house and have enough stuff 
to make 5 or so complete systems plus extra parts. I also have a 
complete Sun SparcStation 5, with 2 - 20" monitors and all accessories 
plus 3 external scsi drive cases and cables. Could be a nice server for 
a small group.

Can I get some contact info please.


And I really want this to go to a charity, but if I can't get it out to 
one by next weekend I might consider giving it to individuals.

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