[ale] FC2 install quickies

tfreeman at intel.digichem.net tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Thu Aug 12 17:22:38 EDT 2004

For better or worse, I've put Fedora Core 2 on a spare disk/machine combo, 
and now I'm going through the find/fix cycle of things that didn't _quite_ 
work out correctly.  I'm heading out onto the WWW, but just in case 
somebody has a great lead or already solved something... 

For the NVidia card - I already know to head over to the vendor's site and 
rattle around. Aggrivating but not fatal.

There is a built-in sound system and a pci card system. Both are detected 
by the hardware probe (I can check back and get the labels if needed), but 
neither is successfully configured. Anybody know of a good source of sound 
configuration fu for placing into /etc/modules.conf? After dinner I'll 
probably try pulling the pci card and just configuring the onboard stuff 
to see if it works ok. (RH9 the onboard sound just didn't cut it.)

Other than these two known issues, so far, I'm impressed enough. 

Thanks for your time in advance!

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