[ale] emacs 20->21 update/redraw changes?

Stephan Uphoff ups at tree.com
Tue Aug 10 11:13:38 EDT 2004

Emacs allows multiple frames/windows of the same file.

I use this extensively on the local machine and
also pop up frames on remote laptop displays.
This allows me to switch displays in the middle
of a line of code - without even having to save
a file.
( One instance of emacs - multiple windows on 
multiple displays )

This works great with emacs 20.x
Changes to a file in one window would immediately
appear in a all windows displaying the file.

With emacs 21 - updating other windows seems to
stop after a short time.
However all windows are updated once they are selected
or if the file is saved.
Seeing old versions of my files drives me nuts.

I looked and googled for a magic option to get the
emacs 20 update/redraw behavior for emacs 21 - no luck.

Can anyone point me to a good URL or a magic google string?


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