[ale] LDAP Problems (newbie)

Nathan J. Underwood ale1 at cybertechcafe.net
Fri Aug 6 14:18:51 EDT 2004

Nathan J. Underwood wrote:

> Ok, I'm fumbling my way through this LDAP / Samba v3 stuff for domain 
> authentication, and I'm just not having a lot of luck.  I have my 
> /etc/openldap/slapd.conf file setup the way that (I believe) I need it 
> (per the Quick Start guide and 
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6266), and I'm able to 
> start and query the server.  The article at 
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6266 is actually pretty 
> much everything that I want to do, so I got excited when I found it, 
> but it's not working quite like I'd hoped.  I've basically mirrored 
> the slapd.conf file, and created a top.ldif file that's almost 
> identical to the one listed (I've changed foo to my domain name).  
> When I try to use ldapadd to add it to the directory, I get the 
> following error:
> ldap_add: Naming violation (64)
>         additional info: value of naming attribute 'dc' is not present 
> in entry
> I'm going to continue googling (isn't it funny how that's a verb 
> now?), but if any of you have had / overcome the same problem, any 
> pointers would be appreciated.
> -- 
> registered linux user # 73046
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org
Ok, a little progress, sortof, I believe.  First of all, I started back 
at square one, and started looking at permissions.  The perms on the 
directory I had setup to hold the database was wrong.  Fixed that (chown 
ldap.ldap <directory>), still got an error.  Restarted LDAP, tried 
again, and still got an error, but it DID add part of it.  Stopped LDAP, 
and restarted (I had been using service ldap start / stop / restart 
before, this time I used slapd -d 1), and got some new errors.  It looks 
like it's croaking at the group, not at the very top.  I'll post when I 
find more, in case someone else runs into the same problem.

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