[ale] Google in Suwanee?

Jonathan Rickman jdr at xcorps.net
Sun Aug 1 11:20:14 EDT 2004


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On 
> Behalf Of Greg
> Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 8:25 PM
> To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts; jhopkins at ureach.com
> Subject: RE: [ale] Google in Suwanee?
> They are advertising but it seems only for slave-laborers.  I think
> someone(s) on this list commented that if you submit a resume 
> with any experience or any hint of expecting a fair wage they 
> will ignore you.

It is my understanding, from having several folks interview with me who had
previously interviewed with them, that they are looking for $10-15/hr button
pusher/switch flipper/tape swappers to sit at their new site in case the
folks running things in Cali need any on site assistance. As to why they are
even bothering to list certain qualifications that go beyond that, my guess
is that there was a disconnect between operations and HR. HR is so 90s
anyway. Why do companies still have it? Oh yeah...because we still have
lawyers roaming the earth. See, you really can blame everything on them. :)


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