[ale] mp3's on Fedora

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Apr 12 20:21:20 EDT 2004

How about recoding for ogg using transcode as a background process?  Just let 
it run until done on all your mp3s.

Jim Philips wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I know that RedHat/Fedora doesn't provide mp3 support. But I want my mp3's 
> damnit! In googling, I find lots of references to a file that will provide 
> mp3 support for Xmms, but I don't like that program. Anybody had success in 
> using the KDE players (noatun, Juk, amarok) on Fedora?
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFAeylDmqVh/g13CaoRAlCfAKCPrSNuM5sLtRNijAbyAREef2SMzQCdE4d5
> eC7L3VKGo4ze2/ULkGPdn7w=
> =iNJD
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