[ale] [OT] Digital camera fix

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Sat Apr 3 13:26:12 EST 2004

Joe, ALErs -

On Fri, 2 Apr 2004, Joe Knapka wrote:

> One of my kids (I'll prolly never know which one, they're unionized, I
> think) broke my Sony Cybershot. It's functional, but the LDC is
> cracked and it appears the magic has all drained out. Makes it
> impossible to configure the unit, preview shots, browse the catalog,
> etc.


I have had good experience with Consumer Photo [Tech?], South side of
Buford Highway just outside of Jimmy Carter. They have fixed mechanical
cameras for me, never any problems afterward, and they appear to have a
lot of professionals among their clientele. They also fix laptop
computers, so I won't be surprised if they work on digital cameras.

Give them a call - they may be able to guess a $$ range to help you decide
if it's worth paying for a disassembly and estimate. (That cost is
deductible against the repair, IIRC.)

When I asked about a display problem on a friend's laptop, they quoted 
their labor and a new screen and guessed a range at which they might be 
able to find a used one (if that was really the problem).

I can probably dig out their phone number if you can't find it. (It may be 
Norcross - I dunno.)

DISCLAIMER - I am not associated with Consumer Photo, just a customer who 
has had good experience dealing with them.

> Is it worth trying to get this fixed, or should I just bite down hard
> and spring for another one?

Paperweight? Throw at neighbor's noisy dog?
 - John Mills
   john.m.mills at alum.mit.edu

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