[ale] Security awareness for beginners - the novel

J.M. Taylor jtaylor at onlinea.com
Mon Sep 15 17:10:46 EDT 2003

This is a re-post, since Bruce pointed out that most of ya'll are trashing
the M$ thread.

> It is...a novella. The computer-security-for-beginners is at
> http://galinux.com/gsp/isintro.pdf
> It's the companion paper to the website that I will throw together
> tomorrow, and improve upon during the week (gak, ran out of time).
> The idea here is that the people to whom I am presenting this will be
> able to take it home and read the longer bits if they're interested.
> Or use it to line the birdcage if they're not.
> The web site will be a slideshow type thing that hits the highlights,
> with links to blurbs from the paper for detailed information.  The
> paper just gathers it all up into one large tome.
> Feedback appreciated.  Blatant errors can be corrected till about
> 2.00pm Monday. ;)
> Cheers and many thanks to all who contributed!

And in answer to Bruce's question -- yes, of course it's free for the
taking if you think it'll be any use to someone.  It is beginner level,
and my first stab at security presentation for non-IT people, so all
feedback is much appreciated.


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