[ale] ALE Changes

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Sep 10 18:34:38 EDT 2003

And I would like to thank Chris for his efforts and support of the ALE 
site and mail services...

Chris Farris wrote:
> Ok first I want to apologize on the mailing list burp last night. Some changes were
> made in the latest version of mailman I wasn't aware of.
> Secondly I want to thank the folks at E-Deltacom and Webrax for offering to host
> ale.org for free. This removes a big chunk out my my monthly budget.
> Thirdly, I want to thank Ed and Cary over at Xilogix, my previous hosting company.
> They have gone out of their way several times to fix ALE late at night. 
> Finally I've found a volunteer who will be making some changes to the ALE website.
> I'll let him give the details once he has them.
> Thanks
> Chris

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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