[ale] OT: DVD Playback on Laptops

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Sep 10 18:21:38 EDT 2003

Chris Ricker wrote:

>>I'm going through and cleaning out the inbox.  Was wondering what your 
>>resolution was.  I've got RH 7.3 on my Sony laptop, but plan on 
>>installing SuSE 8.2 along side it shortly and was going to see how it 
>>does with dvd playing. (pIV 2.4 ghz 2mb memory)
> You should be fine, assuming that memory amount is a typo. No problems
> playing DVDs on the laptop I'm typing this on (mobile Athlon XP 2200+)

Uh, yeah, that should have been 2gb... (less sleep == more coffee....)

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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