[ale] [WAY OT]Reverse Engineering MS Visual Basic Applications

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Oct 2 13:33:26 EDT 2003

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> Mods please delete the duplicate post that is about to bounce because
> I sent it from the wrong email address. I appologize for that -
> trying to get it under control.
>> I'm curious as to whether Drew thinks there's no difference between
>>  burger flippers and Linux Torvalds, Larry Wall, Brian Kernigan,
>> Dennis Ritchie, Richard Stallman, Eric Raymond or Geoffrey Myers
>> (damn, how'd that sneak in there?) Okay, forget the last name...
> No. I meant to exclude programmers that are visionaries or
> entreprenuers (Geoffrey Myers and Bill Gates included, Jason Day
> *probably* ommitted).

Now you've done it.  You've put my name in the same sentence with Bill 
Gates and dare to connect them with a conjunction.  Personally I'd 
rathered that you'd placed my name with Jason's..

I will submit that most programmers are, to some extent visionaries. 
But, those that aren't, what's wrong with just trying to make a living?

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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