[ale] RH9 / Ximian / Glibc Reboot Report

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Nov 17 11:28:59 EST 2003

I've rebooted and find only this problem:

Application "gnome-panel" (process 5570) has crashed due to a fatal 
error. (Segmentation fault)
Please visit the GNOME Application Crash page for more information.

Well, I guess I do have some problem here.  I am logged in to Gnome and 
seemingly running fine except for this error.  I'll post more if I find 
anything else.  I am running 2.4.20-20.9smp in hyperthreading mode on 
this P-4 from Dell.  Now that I look at the panel I can that my RHN 
update icon is gone too.  The workspace switcher applet in the panel 
works fine.  The menus seem to be okay.

John Trostel wrote:

>This is on my (rebooted) system...
>On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 10:44, Dow Hurst wrote:
>>This is what is now on my box from RHN and I am hesitant to reboot.
>>John Trostel wrote:
>>>Hello... Hello!
>>>:) seems fine from here!
>>>glibc-2.3.2-27.9.7 update from today's ximian feed using rug..
>>>The "only" thing really non-stock on here is my own hand-rolled
>>>XFS-enabled 2.4.21 kernel.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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