[ale] Q: Setting up alternate net interfaces in Slack

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Nov 17 06:12:42 EST 2003

John Mills wrote:
> ALErs -
> I have a Slackware-9.1 setup question:
> I installed Slack on my laptop, then ran through PPP setup fine. The
> setup left me with a startup script '/sbin/ppp-go' that I modified
> and use to start PPP when I want it. "Works fine, lasts a long time."
> The laptop also has a pcmcia network card and I want to use it for
> network interface when I have ethernet available, but still have PPP
> to use when I need it. It would be fine if I have to start 'eth0'
> with a script, it might be handy if I could specifically choose DHCP
> or static addressing.
> I hesitate to just march through 'netconfig' and setup an ethernet 
> connection if it would wreck my PPP in the process.

If I recall, this should cause a problem outside of possibly modifying 
the particular network that is setup to start on boot.  The scripts that 
start ppp are different than the scripts that start eth0.  Likely the 
most possible 'casualty' of such an effort would be /etc/resolv.conf, 
but that is easily modified by hand.

> How have others set this up?

I've done this a couple of different ways.  Typically, if you don't have 
static values (routing, gw, dns), you simply let the scripts handle 
that.  Usually, your dns/routing will be different if you're doing dial 
up vs. ethernet.  Just set your network up so that it's not set up on 
boot, then run your scripts by hand.

It's been a while since I've played with Slack networking, but you 
should be able to simply invoke the scripts under 
/etc/sysconfig/network/scripts by hand to start the network you want.

If you're using any of the gui type tools to configure your network 
(kppp...) you can do the same.  The scripts shouldn't collide.

What I would do is backup the /etc/sysconfig/network directory, then run 
netconfig to set up the new network.  Then compare the file differences 
to see where you might have shot your self in the metatarsal joint. 
First note any new files, then note the changes in the existing files.

Going back and reading my post, doesn't seem like it's going to be a lot 
of help. :(  Just the same, I don't think you should have great 
difficulty setting this up.  Let me know if you do, I've got a spare box 
lying around here that's begging to be set up on Slack with eth0/ppp 
connectivity. :)

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

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