contract work, was... Re: [ale] NVIDIA cards and drivers

Geoffrey esoteric at
Thu May 29 07:14:47 EDT 2003

Marvin Dickens wrote:

> FWIW, I don't care what the platform is....I'll develop on anything
> people are willing to pay me to develop on. Also, if  you *really* don't
> want a contract, start telling them everything that's wrong with all
> that sw and hw they spent all that money on instead of telling them how
> your gonna deliver on what they hired you for. You'll really endear
> yourself to the managers who have the power and award
> business.................

Point is, you can tell them 'how they screwed up' in the right way and 
it be a plus.  It's all in the approach.  Any manager who won't listen 
to someone who might save them some money is an idiot.  Of course, there 
are a lot of managers out there that are idiots...

Point is, I do care what platform it is.  I'll always inject an 
alternative solution which is OSS, outlining the benefits of such a 
solution.  Grant it, to keep food on the table and the cash going into 
my daughter's MIT fund, I'll dig ditches or clean cages at the vet...

So, this has evolved into a totally different thread.  I've changed the 
subject to reflect as such, but wondering if that's acceptable 
protocol???  Seriously...

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at

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