[ale] Opera 7.11 Linux Final is Out

Mike Lockhart backpacker at hikers.net
Wed May 21 15:19:09 EDT 2003

I don't see how making a profit off a product that belongs to you is
wrong.  Is there something wrong with you going to work every day and
getting a paycheck every two weeks?  No.  So why should this be any
different.  This group of people go to their office every day and
program this application, which in turn makes sure that they have a
paycheck in the bank every two weeks.  Now tell me why someone should
not be free to put food on their table and support themselves and their
family?  Look at IBM, they support Linux very strongly, but also use it
to make a profit by in turn creating mainframe systems that are designed
for linux.  It doesn't matter if it is hardware or software, fact of the
matter is that someone out there is going to create a product that is
theirs and theirs alone because they need to or want to make a profit
off of it.  More power to them.  It is a free country/world.  If you
don't like Opera, then use Mozilla.  No one is telling you which to
use.  It is simply a matter of choice.  Plus, look at the business side
of it.  Lets say I own a company and our main software is built in house
and is web based.  Now if I use Mozilla, sure, it will probably work
excellent, but I have no guarantees for it, whereas if I used Opera, if
something went wrong with the browser I could just call their tech
support and get assistance in resolving the issue.  Just my $0.02

- mike

On Wed, 2003-05-21 at 15:00, Synco Gibraldter wrote:
> no doubt man -- i completely agree that, of course, we should and DO have
> a free choice about how we develop and release our code.  but that doesn't
> mean that there is no right and wrong (even if it's only relative).  i
> know that opera has their options and they are completely within the
> bounds of the law and norms of society.  but it still makes me sick when i
> see them doing it.  yes, we have choices but there are still wrong ones.
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