[ale] About Wireless Connectivity

Jim Popovitch jpopovitch at att.net
Sat Mar 29 22:19:46 EST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Toxen
> Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 8:57 PM
> Why SysAdmins don't turn on WEP?
>   1. Procrastination.
>   2. "My network won't be breached."
>   3. Dunno know how and cannot be bothered to learn.

4. Don't care.

A lot of people have nothing to hide and really really really don't care if
someone else snoops in on their network life.  Their worst fear is not that
someone will use their wireless network in some fraudulent way.  Seriously,
there are a lot of people who (in their words) have more important things to
deal with than network security.

-Jim P.

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