[ale] couple questions

bieb bieb at law.emory.edu
Sun Mar 16 20:28:28 EST 2003

Chris, The reason I am not getting mail is because ale.org has been RBL'ed. This to me is a big problem, many of the members of ALE are Sys Admins that are responsible for mail servers. Many are implementing different ways to kill spam, but if the group we are a member of is RBL'ed, then we can't receive its mail. 

Here is a link to specific instances that have landed ale.org on the
spews rbl:

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com>
To: ale at ale.org
To: ale at ale.org
Date: 16 Mar 2003 09:24:42 -0500 
Subject: Re: [ale] couple questions

I've seen this happen.  Sometimes it could be almost 6hours that I do
not receive any ale mail.  Then bam! I get a pile of them from that 6
hour period.  

On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 21:48, bieb wrote:
> In my other email account I haven't received mail since Thursday 3/16. I know there has been mail since then. My questions are: 
> 1. Is there an archive of the mail??
> 2. Has ale.org been RBL'ed???
> Thanks
> Harold
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