[ale] OT: more info on where all the jobs are (going...)

Jim jcphil at mindspring.com
Sat Mar 15 15:59:23 EST 2003

On Saturday 15 March 2003 03:47 pm, F. Grant Robertson wrote:
> mmm, classism...  <drool>
> Is it the Stallman influence to open source that leads so many of us to
> have anti-corporate, pro-socialist views?  I'm starting to wonder.
> Personally, I'd say a perp walk is a perp walk. Apparently your able to
> derive some satisfaction from watching a C level take the walk in a way I'm
> just unable to grasp. Pity me, last summer must have been very fulfilling
> for you.

I get some satisfaction from that walk whether it's a street guy stealing from 
a convenience store or a CFO or CEO who has defrauded shareholders and 
employees of billions. But the guy who cheats people out of billions has more 
of it coming and I hardly see why that is anti-corporate or pro-socialist.  
Being a capitalist doesn't include feeling sympathy for executive felons in 
my book. Let me know about yours.
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