[ale] what log file do I need to read?

Joe jknapka at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 21 14:28:22 EST 2003

Sean Kilpatrick <kilpatms at mindspring.com> writes:

> My Linux (RH 8.0) box crashed twice today: no keyboard, no
> mouse -- nothing to do but hit the OFF switch.

That sounds *baaaad*... you have some hardware rotting somewhere.
> First time the active window was OO. Rebooted without 
> complaining excessively.
> Second time the active window was Konqueror. Could not reboot.
> error reported: /usr  unexpected inconsistency;
>                 run fsck MANUALLY
>                 (i.e., without -a or -p options)
> ran fsck -y /dev/md(0-5); first time through got a kernel panic
> and 20 two-digit hex numbers.  Second time through fsck managed
> to  repair the damage.
> Am now back on line for who knows how long.
> My question is this: with any luck Linux logged the problem
> that caused the crash; but where to look?

/var/log/messages to start; other stuff in /var/log if it
looks relevant.

And back that puppy up!


-- Joe
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