[ale] The other day I thought, is ALE up on misnamed emoticon blogs of recent origin?

Rafos701 at aol.com Rafos701 at aol.com
Thu Jan 16 22:58:16 EST 2003

Like many attempts at conveying ideas with symbols, I look at what I wrought and can't figure. (The man that turned me on to Linux is great; not to be blamed, a physicist with a cordial and well-adjusted personality, and not my friend.)

So, "  :G " is no longer its former emoticon meaning, but rather the "[Koan of] one hand typing -bag of Cheetohs for dinner" emoticon. All this flippancy, by the way, is antisocial manifestation of my insecurity about being ignorant and heretofore not in need, (that I know of,) of securing my privacy. (I mean, I think, conspicuous people should not be sources of unease.)I now know I need to deal with security both to become a RHC broiler/steamer crew member, and to provide jobs for federales who'll be obtaining fabulous budgets from the non-t-and-s imbeciles or whatever they are. (by my necessitating hacking homework for them.) 
Of course, since I have been determined severely unteachable, I am going to add to my Solipsism University syllabus the Sendmail configuration howto, along with the others which tell me if and how I make stuff sent from my borrowed TV wire connection-which-is-really-fast [BTVWCWIRF] seem like it comes out of aol. Seems like it comes out of aol.

No, I'll be able to get a marginal handle on what I can do with this thing, (besides assure I can continue to be obnoxious,) maybe not do it, because it sounds like it involves important things, accomplishing something, the dreaded P word.
I'm actually really acting out because I backed the car over my laptop yesterday, and like, besides having to counterfeit the labeling on all the jewel cases belonging to a public library, -((Oh, now I'll add 'software testing' to my resume) not} really|!joking) I have to carve this backlight plastic thing to eliminate strain on traces going into the crap glass thing I discarded when originally salvaging its bulb, which survived. Then I have to keep watching TV until I see this commercial with a loud guy with excellent communication skills who demonstrates this thing which pulls dents like the reverse of removing a pinion from a shaft. Seems like it comes out of aol. (I am holding out hope that the little 10 gig drive, which is the proverbial 3 mos salary,) experienced no contact between the platter and the humongous dent I hope to score folding lines around and dot with epoxy. Looking at it again after forgetting to remove it from the courier bag I rode around with <hey- it's time to start quoting clearer minds than my own- I think eventually, with sgml, non-sequit?> "Honey, it's not one of those."
"I'm the slime coming out from your TV set!"  (I have to get up to 10k keystrokes, fast)
"You will obey me while I lead you, with the garbage that I feed you, till the day that we don't need you; don't go for help, no one will heed you;
Your mind is been totally controlled- It has been stuffed into our mold, and you will do as you are told, until the rights to you are sold.
I am the slime from your video, creeping across on your living room floor."
--Youngsters mayn't know this  as the work of the shocking mysogynist light opera composer , Frank Zappa. 

See how it applies to windows, or how Lawyers in a great while and Newscasters occasionally seem to be contesting, with due apologies to the (maybe not) most appropriate analogy (but members of demographic minorities can use smears) .. the most retarded people who ever existed! And election money buys seems like it came out of aol the reverse projection on the populace. Now I am continuing a perhaps decades -long procrastination. But thank you, and take heart from the previous subject line indicating I've discovered other focal point url.s.

You read, from "One size fits all, the thing called "I am the Sofa," sung in German additionally, an epistemological work in song, and, see, that I may be inspired to categorize what I'm just contiuing to do here or claim it to be the same thing (speed counts over accuracy, sometimes, continuing) only without any of the musical composition, a trailing speck of dust. (Actually, I did take typing class already, about six times ; )      --see, I have social skills -This is pitiful, I mean, there are, like, academics, and international visitors

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