[ale] Certificate Signing

cfowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Thu Jan 16 18:36:20 EST 2003

Much talk about keys have been going on around here.  I have a question about
signing a certificate. 

I'm using stunnel to provide encrypted communctions to an embedded device we
have produced.  Here is the scenerio:

We have a software package that ahs the file 'stunnel.pem' on it.  I generated
this certificate then placed it in the software package.  The embedded device
has *no* capablity to generate certificates.  So the *same* stunnel.pem file
is distributed among 1000 units.  If you used cat on unit one and cat on unit
1000 they would look the same.  How do I sign this file so that Java and my
web browser do not complain when they connect?

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