[ale] OT: HW failure

Doug McNash dmcnash at charter.net
Wed Dec 24 10:10:39 EST 2003

On Tue, 23 Dec 2003 21:12:05 -0500
  Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net> wrote:
>You guys must have bad Karma or Mojo or something.  I've 
>had one drive go bad in all the drives I've ever used. 
>(Maxtor, Western Digital, IBM, Seagate...)

Me too!
I have only ever had one hd in use fail on me and that was 
back in the 80's.  I have had a few that failed from 
improper handling.  I leave my systems on 24x7. This 
includes Maxtors, IBM, Seagate, Fugitsu, WD, Connor, 
Quantum, Control Data.

Of course as soon as I post this ones going to fail today.

Doug McNash <dmcnash at yahoo.com>

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