[ale] ssh, DISPLAY, X11Forwarding

David Corbin dcorbin at machturtle.com
Sun Aug 31 07:13:12 EDT 2003

When I "ssh -X", it correctly sets the DISPLAY to "localhost:10.0", and then 
relays the all the X stuff.  Works great.  However, I'm thinking in my 
environment, something better might work.  I'm on a home LAN, so I don't 
really need to spend CPU cycles to encrypt everything.  Is there an SSH 
option that says "don't bother encrypting"?

As an extension of this, if I start on machine "b", and do "ssh -X a" and 
there I do "ssh -X b", the path that the X protocol flows through seems 
"unneccessarily complex".  Is there someone to set things up so this resolves 
better and more efficiently automatically.
David Corbin <dcorbin at machturtle.com>

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