[ale] Editor for .avi movie file?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Aug 29 21:48:27 EDT 2003

David A. De Graaf wrote:
> Is there a Linux application for editing .avi movie files?
> I discovered, to my dismay, that my new digital camera does not
> readjust its exposure during a movie sequence.  So I have a too-dark
> movie that I'd like to lighten.
> For still shots, either xv or gimp can do this, eg, by increasing
> the gamma factor.  I'd like to find an equivalent way to specify
> a higher gamma for all frames of the movie.
> I surely don't want to disassemble the individual frames.

What about mainactor or broadcast 2000?

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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