[ale] Rehat 9 ide-scsi

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Wed Aug 27 21:56:45 EDT 2003

The reason I am posting this is that even though I can set the DVD 
reader to use dma, Grip still produces pops and thumps in the encoded 
ogg files.  I thought setting the drive to use dma would make the 
difference but I still get problems with the quality of the output.  I 
thought then that going to the ide-scsi emulation would work but so far 
Grip won't use the device properly.  I've put the hdc=ide-scsi in 
/etc/grub.conf just like you've shown.  It works just fine and the 
/dev/scd1 is now the device that is the active scsi emulation device.   
I can read the CD titles using it but the rip doesn't happen normally, 
it goes really quick with no output.  No encoding takes place.  I'm just 
working on getting my CDs encoding in ogg format prior to burning on a 
DVD. :-)
I wanted nice sounding ogg files before I went any further.  I have set 
the bitrate for encoding to 192 and the quality for oggenc to level 6.  
Doesn't help with the /dev/cdrom using dma and no ide-scsi emulation.

The order I've tried this stuff:

/dev/cdrom  no dma        sounded horrible with distortion, pops, and thumps
/dev/cdrom  with dma      sounded better but still has predictable pops 
and thumps
/dev/scd1   with ide-scsi no rips happening

I am working on classical CDs since you can distinctly hear the problems 
where rock hides some of the pops and thumps.  Thanks for the help,

James P. Kinney III wrote:

>It goes in grub as it's needed at boot time:
>title Custom kernel (2.4.18 xfs & ext3 and good USB)
>        root (hd0,0)
>        kernel /kernel-2.4.18-LNS1.2 ro root=/dev/hda5 hdd=ide-scsi
>On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 19:35, Dow Hurst wrote:
>>In Redhat 9, where do you put the ide-scsi=hdc command?  I'm used to 
>>SuSE and in /etc/sysconfig/ there is a file for that purpose.  You can 
>>put which IDE devices should be treated with the SCSI emulation.  I 
>>can't find this under RedHat.  There is a hwinfo file that shows what is 
>>currently configured but not a place for defining the configuration.  I 
>>was avoiding modifying /etc/grub.conf since I thought RedHat might have 
>>provided a more elegant way of managing this.  I am just too used to 
>>German engineering?  Anyway, I just want /dev/hdc emulated as a SCSI device.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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