[ale] Remote display technology

Matthew Brown matthew.brown at cordata.com
Wed Aug 20 09:45:25 EDT 2003

Slow.  X just breaks it down too small.  I'd love it if fresco were a little further along because it sends things like buttons, frames and such over the wire instead of sending lines, pixels, etc. over like X does.

I've heard of X proxies that enhance the speed, but I haven't tried them.  I hear mixed messages on the benefits.

On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 09:28, hbbs at comcast.net wrote:

I was going to ask a similar question - namely, what's it like trying to do
X/ssh over an Internet connection (assume cable/DSL/T1 on the user end)?

- Jeff
> Does anyone know of a good remote display technology other than X and
> fresco (http://www.fresco.org)?
> I am working on a project that requires excellent remote display -- and
> sound/video -- and X just doesn't perform well enough because of the
> architecture.  Fresco is not far enough along.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Matthew Brown
> CorData, Inc.
> Office:	770-795-0089
> Fax:	404-806-4855

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Best regards,

Matthew Brown
CorData, Inc.
Office:	770-795-0089
Fax:	404-806-4855

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