[ale] new t-40 thinkpad...

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Aug 12 21:52:40 EDT 2003

David S. Jackson wrote:

> I looked at the website and seriously considered this option.
> IBM was having a special on the t40, though, that knocked off
> roughly $400 from the sticker price, and provided free shipping.
> The same setup from Emperor would have cost $2300 before tax.  I
> paid under $1800.  Otherwise I would have preferred buying from
> Emperor.

Yeah, I'll admit, they are a bit higher then others.  I went with them 
because I wanted to give some business to a Linux focused company and I 
get a healthy return on the investment as part of my AT&T separation 

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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