[ale] KDE reinstall

Jason Day jasonday at worldnet.att.net
Thu Aug 7 15:12:56 EDT 2003

On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 02:03:23PM -0400, Zyman, Andy wrote:
> I really appreciate your answers . Main thing for me was to know that i can
> do %) that using rpm. Very helpful was a note about --nodep.

Uninstalling KDE by using --nodeps is just asking for trouble.  In
general, you should never, ever, EVER use --nodeps or --force unless you
know exactly what you are doing, and what the consequences are.

> I have been trying to install netscape but it started asking for whole bunch
> of different packages and when i tried to reinstall them it triggered
> dependency n other and so on so on. so i finally gave up. and moved to lower
> version of browser.

Welcome to [dll|rpm|dependency] hell.  This is the main reason I stopped
using RedHat and started using Debian, then Gentoo.  I have heard that
apt4rpm is very good, but my understanding is that you need to start
using it with a relatively fresh install.  Others here swear by SuSE and
it's YaST tool, but I've never really used it.  And of course there's
RHN and RedCarpet for RedHat.

> I don't quite understand the "dependency" thing.  I understand that it
> basically "this need to be in place so that will work". But in case of glib
> libraries, i can create links and it should ( well, not a rule of thumb
> obviously ) work OK. At the same time if i do remove with --nodep check,
> than how can i find out if all progs will be alive?

Don't remove stuff with --nodep.  Really.  If you don't understand what
it's doing, don't cross your fingers and hope it will work out.  On the
other hand, it can be a good learning experience, as long as you
understand that the system can become unusable.  Put your /home
directory on a separate partition, so that if you need to reinstall the
OS you can leave your home directories alone.  And, as always, make good
backups, and keep a rescue disk handy.

Also, don't create links to glib libraries, or any other libraries, for
that matter.  The version numbers change for a reason.  Creating a
symlink for a different version so that a program will work might seem
to work at first, but could lead to hard-to-diagnose errors later.

[ contents of entire fscking thread snipped ]
Jason Day                                       jasonday at
http://jasonday.home.att.net                    worldnet dot att dot net
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