[ale] remote X problems.

David Corbin dcorbin at machturtle.com
Thu Aug 7 12:41:12 EDT 2003

Jason Day wrote:

>On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 07:25:17AM -0400, David Corbin wrote:
>>Actually, it doesn't say anything useful.  But I can share some more 
>>information.  The problem is that I ssh to O as myself, and su to root.  If I 
>>don't su, or if I ssh AS root, it works.  Is there a solution that doesn't 
>>involve ssh-ing as root?  (I'm not very xauth familiar)
>Yes.  After you su, set the environment variable XAUTHORITY to point to
>the .Xauthority file in your ordinary user's directory.  E.g.:
>    export XAUTHORITY=/home/david/.Xauthority
>Substitute david for your username, of course.  Assuming this works, you
>can add this line to your .bash_profile (or .profile, or .login,
>whichever is appropriate for your shell):
>    export XAUTHORITY=${HOME}/.Xauthority
>Then when you su the XAUTHORITY variable will be inherited, as long as
>you don't "su -".

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