[ale] Defeated by the offshoring of America....

George Carless kafka at antichri.st
Mon Apr 14 15:02:23 EDT 2003

Ayn Rand would be proud.  But it's not that simple, is it?


> 	You are truly sad and I am ashamed to see an American who either denies or is unaware
> of the nature of his country and its moral foundations. Capitalism is a law of human behaviour -
> people acting in their own enlightened self interests, ownership/control of property, voluntarily
> conducting transactions for the mutual benefit of both parties. It has always existed and will always
> exist. All other "systems" are just attempts at manipulating, denying, or distorting reality. Our
> country's Constitution was based on the moral concepts of John Locke and economic concepts of
> Adam Smith, two sides of the same coin you'll find if you ever bother to read them.
> 	I've said enough - stop me before I go on...
> 		Ben Scherrey
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