[ale] Defeated by the offshoring of America....

Benjamin Scherrey scherrey at proteus-tech.com
Mon Apr 14 14:57:59 EDT 2003

4/14/2003 1:56:14 PM, hbbs at attbi.com wrote:

>> America is based on a capitalist society
><Quicky scanning Constitution, Declaration of Independence, etc.>
>What page is that on?
>- Jeff

	You are truly sad and I am ashamed to see an American who either denies or is unaware 
of the nature of his country and its moral foundations. Capitalism is a law of human behaviour - 
people acting in their own enlightened self interests, ownership/control of property, voluntarily 
conducting transactions for the mutual benefit of both parties. It has always existed and will always 
exist. All other "systems" are just attempts at manipulating, denying, or distorting reality. Our 
country's Constitution was based on the moral concepts of John Locke and economic concepts of 
Adam Smith, two sides of the same coin you'll find if you ever bother to read them.

	I've said enough - stop me before I go on...

		Ben Scherrey

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