[ale] Flame Warning -- poll bashing has crossed the line

Cade Thacker linux at cade.org
Sun Apr 13 21:50:26 EDT 2003

TO THE REST OF THE LIST: I am very sorry for this rant, but I tried to do
something to help solve an issue, and in the resulting emails from Drew,
the only thing is get is crap all over the help I tried to provide in
solution to a very touchy issue. So fell free to delete. But I want to
make Drew very sure that he understand that he has crossed a big line in
my book, by publicly crapping on my contribution. This is not a matter of
free speech, it is a matter of curtesy.

Ok Drew,
>poll was a joke because it was so easy to exploit -- Drew
f*ck you!

at first I was just going to ignore you, but you have officially push my
button and pissed me off.

The point of the damn poll was to make this simple, by f*cking with the
"un"-secure poll, all you did was put a turd in the punch bowl. Remember
the quote on the first post. "Be Honest it is easy rigged"? I made
absolutly NOOOOO promises that it was secure. The acuracy was based on
community _honestly_. It is a DAMN poll, NOT the UN Monitoring Iraq
elections. How hard is the concept, vote ONCE and then monitor the
results. If you vote twice, that does not make it unsecure, it just make
the voter and idiot and not a very good member of the beloved community.

AND No it was not a joke, I was trying to help out the list, but I guess I
expected way too much from some of the member. So I updated the poll to
check ip, and yet you still piss on my "contribution" to the community.

> PS By the way, the new voting poll really ain't that much more secure.
Big f*cking suprise there buddy. It was written in about an hour.

BTW, remember one of my earlier emails said that I would be happy to give
out the code. I guess instead of saying "Hey I can probably make it more
secure, let me take a look", instead you just feel the need to condem it.
I was going to ignore you but the below email was just too much to sit in
silence. It is attitudes like your that really grate on me, and give geeks
a bad name.

>The ethical thing to do is to show that the voting system is invalid, no?
The ethical thing to do, would have been to follow the rules to start with
and just vote once. I guess I expected too much.


PS, as anybody who know me peronally will attest, I am a pretty calm guy,
but you crossed the line by crapping on my contribution in email after
email. Good Night!

wait wait wait!=20
I was thinking unethical would have been to keep checking back, and just =
it 5 more times than the opposing vote. :) Moreover, I was thinking that =
poll was a joke because it was so easy to exploit - and vote incorrectly.=

"The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members =
of a=20

The ethical thing to do is to show that the voting system is invalid, no?


PS By the way, the new voting poll really ain't that much more secure.

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