[ale] wine+IE5?

bob.evans at bankofamerica.com bob.evans at bankofamerica.com
Thu May 23 02:32:12 EDT 2002


Different approach, but have you looked into CrossoverOffice? It uses wine &
some proprietary stuff to run MS Office applications. I don't have first
hand experience with it, but our lug president has it up on his laptop,
allowing him to run Office, Lotus Notes, and IE.  He said the product was
something like $65, but it comes with no copy protection, use keys, or clear
licensing limitations, so in theory, you only need 1 copy...

And last time I checked, IE was NOT mentioned as a supported application,
but he said it installed "no problem". (On RH  7.2)

Bob Evans

Charlotte, NC

"Robert L. Harris" <Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net> on 05/22/2002 09:30:33 PM

To:   Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org>
Subject:  [ale] wine+IE5?

I'm tyring to get IE5.5 to run under wine.  Apparantly we need this to
install outlook.  (Yeah, need it for work, don't bother for now).  At
any rate it blows out unable to install.   No error message other than:

err:module:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loading of native DLL
C:\windows\system\w95inf16.dll failed (error 193), check this file.
err:module:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loading of native DLL
C:\windows\system\w95inf16.dll failed (error 193), check this file.

The file exists:

-rw-r--r--    1 rharris  staff        2272 May 22 14:20 w95inf16.dll

I'm currently looking for an older version of IE I can install and then

Any thoughts or theories?  This is a part time, side project so I can't
spend alot of reasearch time on it, but it'd be very nice to get this
windows machine off my desk that is used soley for Outlook, Word and

Robert L. Harris                |  Micros~1 :
Senior System Engineer          |    For when quality, reliability
  at RnD Consulting             |      and security just aren't
                                \_       that important!
      These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

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