[ale] Linux is k00l.

Charles Shapiro charles.shapiro at nubridges.com
Mon May 6 15:14:30 EDT 2002

Just thought I'd share this. I'm the de facto Linux d00d at a shop with
about fifteen developers, most of 'em using linux in one way or another.
Our /home is on a machine called xenon.

Friday we moved xenon's /home directory to a new disk, thus giving us a
little breathing room until our new Network Attached Storage machine
comes on-line. 

I gritted my teeth and issued the following commands from a root prompt
on xenon:

fdisk /dev/ida/c0p1
< Delete four Lose partitions >
d 1
d 2
d 3
d 4
< Create linux partition >
< Write partition table (gulp) >
# mkfs -t ext2 -v /dev/ida/c0d1p1

After this, I was able to mount the new drive on /mnt/drive2 and verify
that I could read & write it.
I made sure everyone was logged off of xenon, then logged onto the
console as root and edited the "/home" line in /etc/fstab to read:

/dev/ida/c0d0p6         /home                   ext2    ro       1 2

Sure enough, after the machine came up we couldn't write to our home

[ cshapiro at xenon ~ ]uaname -a > foo.txt
bash: foo.txt: Read-only file system

I then kicked off a 'flying tar' to copy all of /home to the new drive:
cd /home

tar -cf - | (cd /mnt/disk2 ; tar -xvf -)

This took about an hour. After it completed, I edited the /etc/fstab
table to point /home to the new disk and /oldhome to an ro mount of the
old one...

/dev/ida/c0d0p6         /oldhome                ext2    ro             
1 2
/dev/ida/c0d1p1         /home                   ext2    defaults       
1 2

After a reboot it looks like we're good to go so far...

[ cshapiro at xenon ~ ]df -h .
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ida/c0d1p1        17G  8.0G  7.8G  51% /home
[ cshapiro at xenon ~ ]df -h /oldhome
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ida/c0d0p6       8.7G  8.0G  244M  98% /oldhome
[ cshapiro at xenon ~ ]

Linux is k00l.

-- CHS

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