[ale] how do I forward a port from internal ip to extrenal address?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Mar 25 22:45:53 EST 2002

Can you provide the output of /sbin/route for the webserver?

Randolph C. Karrh wrote:
> Geoffrey:
>  cat  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 1 . I do believe this is correct.
> Randy
> On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 21:45:30 -0500
> Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net> wrote:
>>I probably have a similar setup.  I've got a firewall that sits between 
>>a webserver and the internet.  You can access this webserver from the 
>>internet.  The firewall is permitting the packets to reach the server 
>>via the ipchain rules.  Do you have /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward set to 1?
>>Randolph C. Karrh wrote:
>>>I do have two NICs in the external server and the I have set up the correct
>>>DNS entry to point to the external server. However my external server does not seem to route
>>>the incoming requests past it. 
>>>Should I allow a separate port to answer those rquest?
>>>On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 14:49:40 -0500 (EST)
>>>Bradley Glonka <bradley at linuxcentral.com> wrote:
>>>>Not sure I totally understand your environment.
>>>>But, if your your web servers are on differnet networks(your secondary is 
>>>>192.x.x.x and your external web server ha a public IP) you'll need a 
>>>>device/computer that is on both networks.
>>>>You can accomplish this several ways.  Add a NIC to one of your web 
>>>>servers so that it has an address on both networks.  Or you could add a 
>>>>Linux box with two NICs and use that as a router.  Then its just a matter 
>>>>of routing your requests tot he correct network.
>>>>This sounds more of a routing issue than an Apache issue. 
>>>>>I have a secondary web server behind an external web server. I need to allow one
>>>>>httpd domain residing on the internal server or rather one http://www.domain.com that can oly exist on that internal webserver to reach the web. How do I forward any request for that domain. Do I need to edit the httpd.conf file on the external webserver. The external web server is running apache 1.3 and Redhat 7.0. It has dedicated ipaddress and the internal server has ipaddress. Is there a howto on this
>>>>>or do I setup some sort of port forwarding?
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>>>>sent to listmaster at ale dot org.
>>Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net
>>I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
>>to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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