[ale] Found in /etc/fstab...

John LaPierre jjlapierre at knology.net
Fri Jun 21 16:50:19 EDT 2002

On Friday 21 June 2002 04:28 pm, Geoffrey wrote:
> Thompson Freeman wrote:
> > Actually, a question which I haven't found an clue for in either the man
> > pages, nor in the brief look at the LDP.
> >
> > In my RH7.2 installation, I have two entries starting with "LABEL=" and
> > some value follows ( / and /boot). I've never heard of a purpose nor why
> > the "LABEL=" exists, and what the heck is it doing in my fstab? And what
> > good is it? Can I/Should I consider using it for other entries?
> >
> > I feel like I should have found this information by now, and I haven't.
> > If you have a clue or a pointer, I would appreciate your sharing it.
> http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-7.3-Manual/ref-guide/s1-filesy

This was clipped from the above link - can anyone elaborate on why it would be 
more robust to use a label? Thanks.
----start snip----
Once you have created and formated a partition, you should assign it a label 
using the e2label command. This allows you to add the partition to /etc/fstab 
using a label instead of using a device path, thereby making the system more 
----end snip----

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