[ale] Careful with those subject: lines! Re: [ale] Full filesystem backup to CD-R

Joseph A Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 11 14:31:17 EDT 2002

I happened to have my message-list window set to a width that
caused your subject: line to be abbreviated to

Fu...ckup to CD-R


Anyhoo, IMO the whole "back up a giant HD to a slew of
little media" is a losing game. This is as true now as
it was in the days of 10MB HDs when all you had to
back them up on was 320K floppies. You can't automate
that kind of backup, so chances are it won't get
done often enough; it will take forever; and you'll
have to remortgage your house to pay for media. You'd
be better off in the long, or even the medium run, to
invest in something like a DLT drive. Alternatively,
just slap another giant HD in there and use RAID.

I only ever back up my CVS repository, which easily
fits on a CDR. Everything else can be restored
from 3rd-party sources if necessary.


-- Joe

John Wells wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good, relatively easy utility that allows the
> backing up of filesystems or subsets to CD-R?  I'm looking for something
> that won't take days to understand fully or hack to get working.  I was
> taking a look at Mondo, but having some issues.
> Anything out there you've used successfully?
> Thanks!
> John
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